Monday, June 8, 2020

Building an Anchor Locker

Ready to start cutting.

Not having an anchor locker on Moonshine has always annoyed me. The options were feeding the chain into the hawse hole link by link, or else keeping the anchor and chain in a bucket in the stern locker. I wasn't happy with either, so now I'm taking the chance to give Moonshine a proper bow locker. I started by carefully measuring the anchor and then got the grinder out.

At this stage there was a brief moment of "oh no, what have I done!".

I made the wall and floor of the locker from 12mm plywood, encased in several layers of glass fibre. 

To make the locker lid, I took the section of deck that I had cut out and used bits of wood to hold it in position. I put black plastic on the deck to make sure the fiberglass wouldn't stick to it, and then laid up a thick flange around the outside of the lid.

After popping the lid off the deck, here's what I was left with. A locker lid with a ragged fiberglass lid around it.

A bit of grinding later, and we're left with a pretty passable anchor locker hatch.

Add a bit of paint, some hinges and a latch and it'll be ready for action.

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