After I got back from Uganda I put together a video to raise awareness of the situation over there regarding the construction of the Isimba dam. Check it out here, I can't figure out how to embed videos from Vimeo: Dammed: Time is Ticking for the White Nile.
'The longer you are between swims the worse the beating it is when it comes' and 'the time spent looking at a hole is directly proportional to the time you're going to spend getting trashed in it'. Turns out both of them are unfortunately accurate! I decided to fire up Mollia one day in Italy this year and made a mess of it, ended up swimming for the first time on whitewater since I learned to roll consistantly, about 7 or 8 years ago!
I had a bit of craic editing this one, it's just a collection of clips from a day I spent at Tuam training for team trials.
Highlights from the 2012 Season
Current Affairs, a 15 minute movie that I put together from footage gathered over the summer of 2012
Sean McTernan put together this promo for the Clubs&Socs set up in UL with footage from all the different clubs and societies. There's a good bit of footage that I took over the summer in there, check it out.