Tuesday, June 22, 2010

10th in Europe!

Just back from Austria, was brilliant out there! Our plan to wing it across Germany and Austria worked out great, and I'm sure my Germans improved no end! We got there a few days early to get some training in on the competition hole, a few days of three sessions a day is the job for getting a few moves down. And is a good opportunity for some pretty epic partying too!

The competition kicked off with an opening ceremony in Leinz castle, with free food and drink laid on! We were competing the next day which meant we had to come back relativly early but by all accounts it went on all night!

Everyone piling in on the German team photo at the opening ceremony. I think were all in there if you look close enough!

And the Irish team photo from before hand. Looking smart!

1 comment:

  1. Great finish for yourself Eoin, even more so when you consider there was almost no practice to be had here due to lack of water before you left.

    Well done
