Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Kayak intervarsities 2013 Captains and Safety Officers Weekend

This weekend we ran an event for the Captains and Safety officers of all the clubs who will be competing in Varsities in a few weeks time. The idea was to show all the lads around the locations where we'll be competing and generally have the craic! On Saturday morning, after having a quick look at the long distance location out the back of the UL boathouse, we headed to Gower where little Gower was working class! I've gone on enough here about how much I love paddling little Gower so all I'll say is we had a savage session with the tow line before the main wave started working! When the main wave did start working it was big, fast and steep with a tricky but do-able paddle on. Everyone had a great time on it before we got tired and hungry enough to call it a day.

Mike Shaw got some savage photos from little Gower on his shiney new camera: 

After we had refuelled we went to check out the location for the polo competition in the UL Arena pool. Since there was a round of the div 2 Munster Polo League on at the time all the captains got to have a game of polo as well as see the pool. We got some badly needed game time too which will help us get the UL team into shape for varsities. We're not at the standard yet but we're definatly making progress, hopefully with a few weeks practise we'll improve another bit before d-day!

After a cool party on Saturday night everyone headed slightly hungover out to Castleconnel to check out the whitewater course that I've spent the last few weeks putting together. I'm really happy with it, I think it's got a cool mix of poles, banners and bouys to navigate around and it's not too over the top with just 6 gates. There are cool moves on the entries to some of the gates like surfs and s-moves which should really seperate the competitors. The course combined with the rule changes that we're implementing mean that all the colleges seem pretty happy with the plans for the whitewater event. All the plans are in the final stages of coming together, with a bit of luck and effort over the next few weeks we'll host a weekend to remember!

I think during polo on Saturday I did too much paddling with funky feathered paddles and my wrists are feeling it now so I think the plan is to take some time off the water for the next few days. On Thursday we've got a club safety training day and then at stupid O'Clock on Friday morning we're heading to North Wales for a week. I cant wait for that now, last years trip was epic!

Anyway, that's it for the next few days, clean lines and happy paddling!


  1. Hey Keyes, is the course pretty obvious I was to head out for a look? Can you easily walk back up the bank and run it again? How long do you think it will take to paddle the length of the course? Cheers
    Conor McComb

  2. I threw photos with the course marked out on FB there, you should be able to figure it out from them, none of the banners are in place yet. You can walk up on both sides of the river easy enough, we've been going up the river right bank, around the castle. Full runs are coming in at around 2.40 mins.
